How to Play

The game takes place on the Discord server, in the #scrivener-game channel.

To begin, type !join

Join Command Example

For a list of commands, type !howto

Howto Command Example

The game typically has two complete cycles per week. For example, each Sunday and Wednesday might have a Dispatch, which is either a crisis or an opportunity that you must respond to. This begins the Proposals phase, during which you can make proposals on how to respond. 24-48 hours later, the Voting phase begins, where you can vote on the proposals made by players. After another 24-48 hours, the votes are tallied and the winning proposal is announced. The outcome is integrated into the ongoing story, impacting future events.


Dispatches are the starting point for each cycle. They can be a crisis or an opportunity, requiring a response. For example:

Dispatch Example

Proposal Phase

The Proposal phase begins with an image like this:

Proposal Phase Example

During this phase, type !propose followed by your proposal. For example, to propose occupying the UN headquarters, you would type:

!propose Occupy the UN headquarters

Propose Command Example

To see all proposals, type !proposals. For inspiration, type !advice.

Advice Command Example

Voting Phase

The Voting phase begins with an image like this:

Voting Phase Example

During this phase, type !vote to bring up the voting menu.

Vote Command Example

Voting lasts for 24 hours. After this, the winning proposal is selected and implemented in the game.


After the voting, the results phase begins with an image like this:

Results Example

The winning proposal is carried out, and the consequences are integrated into the game story. These changes will affect future events and decisions.

Proposal Result Example

Next Cycle

The game then cycles again according to the schedule. Another crisis or opportunity will be announced in the next Dispatch. Have fun!