
Click here for more detailed instructions on how to play.

Scrivener is a text-based game that takes place on Discord, drawing inspiration from Dungeons & Dragons (DnD), Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), and utilizing an AI-assisted storyteller to create an expansive future-building game. The game is set in a near-future world where illiberalism has gained a strong foothold, and the last bastions of the left have united to form a DAO to challenge the new world order. Players from various leftist factions must collaborate to propose and build a new world, responding to crises and engaging in prefigurative actions. Players can also propose to change the rules of the game as it progresses.

The primary goal of Scrivener is to create an engaging and immersive game that encourages participatory governance, collaboration, and future-building. By drawing inspiration from various sources and utilizing an AI storyteller, the game aims to provide a unique and dynamic experience that fosters critical thinking and creative problem-solving.

Getting Started

